R.Sridhar K.Thirugnanasambandam
side Secretary- Staff side
SSA/2013-14/2 dated
Chairman Local
Council &
We have herewith submitted the
following items which may be discussed in the 23rd Local Council Meeting of Cuddalore SSA.
Pending Items
20/4 Providing minimum facilities in all Telephone
2.Item 20/7 Redeployment
of officials working in Cuddalore SSA.
21/1 Construction
of New Overhead Tank at Vannarapalayam Quarters
21/2 Provision of Record room in GM office
21/4 Payment of EB bills through online.
21/5 Opening of RSU Exchange at Indra Nagar,Neyveli.
21/7 Removal of Debris in Gingee Exchange.
21/8 Shifting of Cuddalore Pudupalayam Exchange and
Anna Nagar DLC to Vannarapalayam
Staff Quarters.
22/1 Empanelment of Hospitals at Kallakurichi
22/2 Auctioning of scrapping materials at Exchanges.
22/3 Utilising vacant building at Villupuram.
22/4 Maintenance of staff quartes at Neyveli Township, Cuddalore and
22/5 Provision of Name Boards in Exchanges.
22/6 Provision of Cycle shed at Neyveli Township and Chidambaram.
22/7 Utilising compound wall of our buildings for adverdisements at Tindivanam.
22/8 Providing Submergible Motor at Kallakurichi.
22/9 Raising the floor level of CSC in Chidambaram Temple
22/10 Implementing the RJCM decision of providing contract labourers to
22/11 Supply of Printers in CSC
New Items
Power Plant & Battery Maintenance: In many exchanges the batteries have lived
out their life and need to be replaced.
Even in the Extra High Revenue area, the condition of battery and power
plant is no different thereby the BSNL incurs great revenue loss. For example, in Gingee, which serves 359 Broad Band customers out of 988 and Wi
Max, the Battery was installed way back on 03-11-2006.
In Annamalai
Nagar, (which comes top under EHR area, serves 1100 BB customers out of
1700 working lines) the condition of Battery that stand for the 2 BTS --one for
IMPC and one for the Wi Max-- is very very poor; as the battery could not sustain load for
many occasions in the past the battery line for two BTS have to be switched off
alternatively. The same is the condition in Ulundurpet & Aanathur
It is requested to take necessary remedial
measures so that BSNL can live up to its motto viz, BSNL connects India, we
wish for all the time for all the people including customers in Cuddalore SSA.
Maintenance: Out of the 448 BTS for 2G and
38 for 3G 90% is learnt to be in poor condition. In an average daily 45 BTS experience
failure. The reason is the worn out battery. Further, even in places where Engine
Alternator is available it could not function due to the fault in the Starter
As mobile sector is
revenue earning and competitive it is requested to give highest priority to
make all BTSs working.
Maintenance of Engine Alternators: Power failure is the order of
the day at least for few more months.
Hence our Engine Alternators have to be maintained up to the mark. But in places like T.Nedunchery, Devadoss
Nagar the Eng.Alt. is to be serviced with a view to making it working.
4. Maintenance of UPS: All
our activities are computer based. For
Computer a good UPS is foremost important.
The maintenance of UPS may be done systematically with the help of IT
section. But for example, in the GM
Office the UPS is not up to the mark. A
poor UPS will cost the expensive computer systems. An urgent step in this regard is
5 Conference Hall for Recognised Unions /
Associations : The meetings, like Executive
Committee Meetings, organized by the recognized unions / Associations may be
permitted in the Conference Hall, whenever it is free, on certain regulation
and on levying minimum charges.
The Maintenance of Pillars and DP Box: At many
places water seepage into the pillars are reported and DP Boxes are also needed
dressing. The poor maintenance leads to
increasing fault rate and subsequently becomes a reason for drifting
subscribers from BSNL. A remedial
measure is to be initiated locally.
Grouping of SAX under one SDE: Less than 100 Line SAXs may be
grouped under the control of SDE and the staff also posted at the head quarters
of the SDE. By this arrangement the man
power will not be wasted in the small hamlets, but the faults and their needs
be attended by moving from headquarters.
The profitable utilization of man power in areas of need may be sorted
8. Eliminating LMs Vs saving Electricity,
etc: As the
number of Land Lines dip, the remaining working lines may be brought to one
rack ( Base Module) instead of scattered in many Line Modules, thereby not only
the power is saved but also the spares be utilized and at the time of lightning
the LMs so freed are also saved. For example,
in Ananthapuram ,Avalurpet, Aalampoondi RSUs the lines are scattered in more
9. Vallam Exchange Failure : In the Vallam Exchange many WLL and Wi Max
connections are working. But due to poor
maintenance the exchange experiences failure often. The exchange may be made good to serve the
customers better.
Poor Cell Coverage: It is reported the Cell coverage at Gingee is
poor. To win the confidence of the
public in the stiff competitive mobile marketing, the periodical coverage
testing like Radio Optimisation be done. Similarly Wi Max signal is not getting
in the Vridhachalam –Pennadam line.
To alleviate Public resentment on BSNL: The public
hope with BSNL is high because that there are absolutely no hidden
charges. But this very basic is
scattered when amount is deducted without the knowledge or permission of the
subscriber for various Value Added Services (VAS) that they actually have not
at all demanded for. This sort of complaint is a daily routine in every
CSCs. The fury of the subscribers is
very high that the staff could not offer any acceptable explanation but somehow
assuage them for that time being; but
when it is repeated they are not hesitate to switch over company. When such services’ charges are not revenue
for BSNL, but a deceitful deduction is a permanent loss of a subscriber to
BSNL. The CSCs may be authorized to
deactivate or cancel such service immediately in front of the complaining
customer, instead of booking the complaint on line. Further, arrangement may be made that after
getting the confirmation of subscribers only through SMS or written request,
such services can be provided and in no occasion a chance be given for
accidental service activation is allowed.
This may be given top priority.
Immediate Activation: There is a
complaint that the applications received by the Franchisees during Malas are
not activated immediately for they handed over the applications belatedly. This may create a bad image on BSNL
Service. The function of franchisees may
be regulated.
New Plans to cover Youth: Even the wards of BSNL employees prefer other
operators for a few free SMSs etc. The
need of the Youth may be studied and a newer plans to allure the minds of Youth
be introduced. Though it is to be done
at National / Circle level what best be done at SSA level be explored. In this connection, extending BB facility to
the High School / College students (who have been equipped with lap tops by the
Tamil Nadu State Government) at reduced tariff may be thought of. By selling small one can achieve great
because the marketing through sachet is
done by even big firms.
(a) Supply of Micro SIM on demand: Newer models of cell phones have been designed
with micro or nano SIM slot. But CSCs
have been greatly short supplied with such SIMs. Cutting the SIMs to slot size cannot be a
permanent solution. Supply of micro sims
may be augmented.
Housing the Call Centre: Call centre at Cuddalore is housed in the
CSC. This is felt reducing the space for
the business of CSC. A spacious
reception for customers will ensure cordial relation between customer and the
CSC staff. A research related article in
the Hindu spoke the advantages of
the convenient seating in a larger space than in a cramped situation. This may be studied in a wider perspective of
taking forward the customer related CSC business. Labeling the Call Centre as a back office is
in no way demeaning its importance. A
more convenient, hassle free from the subscribers’ noise, place be found for
Call Centre.
Provision of Tools- kits: Many new
TTAs have been appointed. They may be supplied with necessary Tools kit
with tools like multi meter, Tester, cutter etc. Tools kit may be issued to TMs also.
(a) Allowance for attending BB faults: TTAs have to go various sub houses for
attending BB faults or for configuration.
They may be given certain compensation
like conveyance or incentive.
(b) Forming Broad Band Team: The family is small and the
house is locked when both husband and wife are employed. They demand that their phone faults,
especially Broad Band, be attended when they are at home. Hence a team may be formed and brought for
duty on shift between 08 and 08. This will be useful in bigger stations and area
like Annamalai Nagar.
Service Book: The service book has
to be verified by the respective individual official for the correctness of the
entries. This may be done by providing a
list of items to be verified like spelling of the name, family members, GPF
nomination etc so that the bottleneck at the time of retirement or occurrence
of ill fate is avoided. A strict
stipulation of methodology may be ensured.
17. Implementation of CGM Orders: A recent order from the CGM, Tamil Nadu
Circle, stipulates payment of monthly wages to Contract Labourers within a
specified cut- off date every month and monitoring to ensure the deduction of
statutory EPF, ESI etc. This has been
often violated by the contractors. A
strict implementation is solicited.
Repeater Station Sites: It is learnt that many Repeater Station Sites
have been handed over to Telecom Circle by the Co-axial wing. For example, there are 11 sites between
Cuddalore and Chidambaram High way. As
they have been on main thoroughfare they have great market value and an asset
to BSNL. First the ownership is to be
ensured by fencing and placing notice boards, avoiding land grabbing; secondly
planning for bringing to suitable usage.
For example, the Chellankuppam site is more suitable to house an
Conferring Observer Status: The staff side Leader and
Secretary of JCM may be conferred with observer status and be invited to the
Development Meeting, TAC meeting etc.
This will provide on hand information and much useful in preparing the
staff members on development activities.
This may be done without affecting the interaction between officers.
(a) Provision of Computer, BB, Service SIM: Cuddalore SSA has been a forerunner in many
respect, for example, Cuddaore has made
the record of presenting retirement benefit Cheques on the day of retirement
itself. But it is yet to provide the
Union office of the recognized Unions with Computer with Broad Band and
Printer. Similarly, the local council
members may be provided with service SIM.
Updating Intra net: Few years back the activities
of Cuddalore SSA could be viewed in the intra net. Monthly retirement party
photos, Social Philanthropic activity of BSNL like presenting cycles to Blind
School and other events like that can be viewed even by persons not attending
the functions. It can throw more
information like tariff changes, introduction of new plans, GMs Press note
etc. A rejuvenation is requested,
because this is a web age and we the back bone of tele- world.
21. Hiring of Vehicles: As
an austerity measure it is a welcome move to restrict hiring of vehicles. But while doing so the departmental work
should not suffer. For that it may be considered to delink the vehicle from the
post of Officer and pool them all under the control of one SDE. Any vehicle may be diverted on need based for
OFC, CM, Installation, IT, etc instead of allowing a vehicle on waiting idly or
to get the permission of the Officer to whom the vehicle is now attached. The change over as that of a Call Taxi system
may be tried as an experiment, for it is hoped to deliver goods to the
advantage of BSNL.
Pooling of Postal Articles: To save expenditure on postage,
the system of delivering the Phone Bills by TMs has been introduced. Likewise, the letters to various offices of
Cuddalore from Field Units may be sent to GM office and distribute locally may
reduce the postal expenses further.
On line Booking of Complaints: The wrong understanding of
Fault ratio has now been set right, that faults registered On line (IVRS)
during the office working hours i.e, up to 05 00pm only is counted for the day. As such complaint booking on line may be
encouraged so that real picture will emerge.
EXPANSION OF LAND LINE SERVICE: Land line is demanded mostly for BB
facility. But even in town area NPC with
BB is being denied. To assess the demand
for Land Line, before clearing feasibility, it may be registered instead of
denial. When BSNL had earlier have
thousands of cable pairs, it is natural to expect for available of spare cable
pairs in the event of huge surrender of Land Lines. A systematic search may be
done to find out of cables.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

to:- 1.Secretary Official side &AGM [Admn], O/o GM, BSNL, Cuddalore.1
2. Secretary,RJCM, Chennai.
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